What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
The technology we used throughout the process is listed below:
Camera - FujiFilm bridge camera:
This is an image of my camera which is the camera we used throughout the filming part of the production process. This camera allowed us to produce high quality footage that we were confident in and could edit at a later date. This also allowed us to have a guaranteed high quality opening especially since the school cameras can be unreliable with sound, filming quality and battery life.
Laptop - Macbook Pro:
We used my macbook to look through and edit the footage, throughout this part of the process we all pitch in ideas to the group as to what we should edit in where. Each of us tried to edit however the boys struggled a little bit more as aren't used to using this laptop, so to compromise we decided that I would do the editing while they gave me the ideas.
Editing - iMovie:
This is the editing software that we had access to on my laptop, this helped us at it allowed us to create a high quality opening and use a range of techniques within the editing process. The programme comes with options of adding text to your film as well as copyright free sound.
Google Drive:
As we chose to work on my laptop instead of the school computers, it means that if I missed a day of school the rest of the group wouldn't be able to access the footage. After discovering the issue we decided to set up a google drive account so that anyone of us could log into the account on any laptop and access the footage that has been edited as well as the raw footage incase they wanted to change it.
Throughout the production process we have been using Youtube to upload the drafts online as we edited them further and made them better, this allowed the group to access to drafts and embed them into our blogs. As a group we found it a little unreliable at times with the uploading times and also sometimes the boys struggled to access the links, however after we discovered the issues it didn't take us long to solve the issue and carry on.
Personally I have been using blogger to log my journey and the groups journey throughout this process so that we can see how the footage progressed as our skills became better and as our ideas were being fully portrayed in the film. This is my first ever time using blogger and I have found it very easy to use which has benefitted me as it has meant that I can clearly show my progress throughout the course.
Outlook Office 365:
This is the email software that the school provides, we used this as a group to communicate our ideas and let each other know when we needed to have a meeting of how to improve our film opening. This software has also allowed us to communicate with our teacher with any queries in the case of one of us not being present at school that day.
iPod Touch:
We used Harry's iPod touch to take photos of us filming on the days we had set aside for this. Having these photos has allowed s to embed them in the blog and show the different ways we were filming and also show the fake make up being done on Harry before we filmed the hospital scene for the opening.
Sound - Bensound.com (copyright free):
Bensound is the website we used to download the copyright free soundtrack that we used throughout the opening. Although it took us a while to find this website that had the sound that was perfect for our opening, when we finally did find this site we found it quite easy to download the soundtrack and then include it in our opening.
Truthfully I have never used nor heard of Prezi before this project, however when i did use it I found it very simple and extremely useful to voice my opinions in a more inventive and interesting way.
This website has allowed me to create powerpoint on my laptop of evaluations and research, and then embed them into my blog to be able to relay the ideas and information in a unique and inventive way.
Overall I would be happy to complete another project with my group, because although we had a few disagreements we managed to find a compromise and move on very quickly which was useful when we had to stick to serious deadlines. Also by having to use all of these technologies throughout the coursework it has increased my confidence in using new technology in the future of my course.